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senza titolo-1_tavola disegno 1-02

a r t     i n    m o t i o n                                          t h e    c o u r a g e    t o    s u r p r i s e

Contrada Saliceto 50, Gioiosa Marea (Messina), Italy



+39 3480537810  /  +39 3386135193



II - 80 x 140 cm - Tindaritani represented by Marco Tullio Cicerone.



P.IVA 04065050249


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A collection of Patti's history described by artist Livia Pertile in 40 jealously guarded ceramic panels from the town, whose dimensions range from 100 x 100 cm to 140 x 80 cm.

I - 80 x 140 cm - Sopatro, proagoro (supreme judge of Tindari).

I - 80 x 140 cm - "Sopatro, proagoro (supreme judge of Tindari)".

II - 80 x 140 cm - Tindaritani represented by Marco Tullio Cicerone.

II - 80 x 140 cm - "Tindaritani represented by Marco Tullio Cicerone".

III - 120 x 100 cm - Saint Febronia baptized by Saint Agatone in the fountain of Acquasanta.

III - 120 x 100 cm - "Saint Febronia baptized by Saint Agatone in the fountain of Acquasanta".

IV - 120 x 100 cm - First miracle of Saint Febronia, young girl kills a snake with a stone.

IV - 120 x 100 cm - "First miracle of Saint Febronia, young girl kills a snake with a stone".

V - 80 x 140 cm - 827. Destruction of Tindari.

V - 80 x 140 cm - "827. Destruction of Tindari".

VI - 80 x 140 cm - Anfuso kills the son of the Saracen prince Vendi Coir for revenge.

VI - 80 x 140 cm - "Anfuso kills the son of the Saracen prince Vendi Coir for revenge".

VII - 80 x 140 cm - 16 July 1027. The Saracen pirate Goito Maimone destroys Patti.

VII - 80 x 140 cm - "16 July 1027. The Saracen pirate Goito Maimone destroys Patti".

VIII - 120 x 100 cm - 1051. Castle of Mileto.

VIII - 120 x 100 cm - "1051. Castle of Mileto".

IX - 80 x 140 cm - 1094. Delivery of parchment by Roger II to the bishop of Patti.

IX - 80 x 140 cm - "1094. Delivery of parchment by Roger II to the bishop of Patti".

X - 80 x 140 cm - 1115. Return of Adelasia from Jerusalem to Patti.

X - 80 x 140 cm - "1115. Return of Adelasia from Jerusalem to Patti".

XI - 120 x 100 cm - Healing of the queen Adelasia from leprosy, after bathing in the miraculous waters of the Acquasanta.

XI - 120 x 100 cm - "Healing of the queen Adelasia from leprosy, after bathing in the miraculous waters of the Acquasanta".

XII - 100 x 100 cm - 1118. Death of the queen Adelasia.

XII - 100 x 100 cm - "1118. Death of the queen Adelasia".

XIII - 100 x 100 cm - Messina, 1113. King Ruggero II arranges a settlement in favor of the citizens of Patti.

XIII - 100 x 100 cm - "Messina, 1113. King Ruggero II arranges a settlement in favor of the citizens of Patti".

XIV - 100 x 100 cm - Tindari,1142. The Count of Brenna, regent of the kingdom of Sicily, guest at pacts, undergoes an operation, first hospital in Sicily.

XIV - 100 x 100 cm - "Tindari,1142. The Count of Brenna, regent of the kingdom of Sicily, guest at pacts, undergoes an operation, first hospital in Sicily".

XV - 80 x 140 cm - 1222. St. Anthony of Padua lays the first stone for the construction of the convent of St.Francis in Patti.

XV - 80 x 140 cm - "1222. St. Anthony of Padua lays the first stone for the construction of the convent of St.Francis in Patti".

XVI - 100 x 100 cm - 1251. The Vigil of the Body of King Frederick II in the Cathedral of Patti.

XVI - 100 x 100 cm - "1251. The Vigil of the Body of King Frederick II in the Cathedral of Patti".

XVII - 80 x 140 cm - 1281. Pope Martin IV receives the bishop of Patti in Rome.

XVII - 80 x 140 cm - "1281. Pope Martin IV receives the bishop of Patti in Rome".

XVIII - 120 x 100 cm - Massacre of the French garrison, from that joy, door of death.

XVIII - 120 x 100 cm - "Massacre of the French garrison, from that joy, door of death".

eyJpdCI6IlhJWCAtIDEyMCB4IDEwMCBjbSAtIEkgZHVlIGVyb2kgcGF0dGVzaSBjaGUgc2kgZGlzdGluc2VybyBuZWxsJ2Fzc2VkaW8gZGVsbGEgY2l0dOAgZGkgQnJpbmRpc2kuIiwiZW4iOiJYSVggLSAxMjAgeCAxMDAgY20gLSBUaGUgdHdvIGhlcm9lcyBvZiBQYXR0aSBjaXR5IHdobyBkaXN0aW5ndWlzaGVkIHRoZW1zZWx2ZXMgaW4gdGhlIHNpZWdlIG9mIHRoZSBjaXR5IG9mIEJyaW5kaXNpLiJ9XX - 80 x 140 cm - King Pietro D'aragona sends the pattese Giovanni Oddone to deal with the French garrison the capitulation of the fortress of milazzo.

XX - 80 x 140 cm - "King Pietro D'aragona sends the pattese Giovanni Oddone to deal with the French garrison the capitulation of the fortress of milazzo".

XXI - 80 x 140 cm - 1298. The king of Spain James of Aragon arrives at Patti welcomed by the bishop John II.

XXI - 80 x 140 cm - "1298. The king of Spain James of Aragon arrives at Patti welcomed by the bishop John II".

XXII - 120 x 100 cm - 1312. Death of the peregrine hero from Patti in the island of Gerbe.

XXII - 120 x 100 cm - "1312. Death of the peregrine hero from Patti in the island of Gerbe".

XXIII - 120 x 100 cm - 1365. St. Peter IV Thomas, bishop of Patti, orders a general communion before the departure of the crusade.

XXIII - 120 x 100 cm - "1365. St. Peter IV Thomas, bishop of Patti, orders a general communion before the departure of the crusade".

XXIV - 80 x 140 cm - 1357. Sancho D'aragona sacks and devastates Patti.

XXIV - 80 x 140 cm - "1357. Sancho D'aragona sacks and devastates Patti".

eyJpdCI6IlhYViAtIDEyMCB4IDEwMCBjbSAtIDEzNjEuIFZpbmNpZ3VlcnJhIEQnYXJhZ29uYSBjb25zZWduYSBsZSBjaGlhdmkgZGVsbGEgY2l0dOAgYWwgcmUgRmVkZXJpY28gSUkgaW4gdmlzaXRhIGEgUGF0dGkuIiwiZW4iOiJYWFYgLSAxMjAgeCAxMDAgY20gLSAxMzYxLiBWaW5jaWd1ZXJyYSBEJ2FyYWdvbmEgZ2l2ZXMgdGhlIGtleXMgb2YgdGhlIGNpdHkgdG8ga2luZyBGZWRlcmljbyBJSSB2aXNpdGluZyBQYXR0aS4ifQ==eyJpdCI6IlhYVkkgLSAxMDAgeCAxMDAgY20gLSAxNDAyLiBJbCByZSBNYXJ0aW5vIGNvbmZlcm1hIFBhdHRpIGNpdHTgIGRlbWFuaWFsZS4iLCJlbiI6IlhYVkkgLSAxMDAgeCAxMDAgY20gLSAxNDAyLiBUaGUga2luZyBNYXJ0aW4gY29uZmlybXMgUGF0dGkgb2YgdGhlIHN0YXRlIGNpdHkuIn0=XXVII - 80 x 140 cm - 1544. The Algerian pirate chai-ed-din ariadeno destroys Patti.

XXVII - 80 x 140 cm - "1544". The Algerian pirate chai-ed-din ariadeno destroys Patti".

XXVIII - 80 x 140 cm - 1655. Ascanio Ansalone with Antonio Lazzaro move from Montagnareale to the conquest of Patti.

XXVIII - 80 x 140 cm - "1655. Ascanio Ansalone with Antonio Lazzaro move from Montagnareale to the conquest of Patti".

eyJpdCI6IlhYSVggLSAxMDAgeCAxMDAgY20gLSAxNjY5LiBSaXNjYXR0byBkZWxsYSBjaXR04CIsImVuIjoiWFhJWCAtIDEwMCB4IDEwMCBjbSAtIDE2NjkuIENpdHkgUmVkZW1wdGlvbi4ifQ==XXX - 120 x 100 cm - 1619. The Muslim pirate Biserta with his crew tries, unsuccessfully, to take away the statue of the brunette madonna.

XXX - 120 x 100 cm - "1619. The Muslim pirate Biserta with his crew tries, unsuccessfully, to take away the statue of the brunette madonna"

XXXI - 120 x 100 cm - 1648. Funerary Honours to Mons. Vincenzo Napoli.

XXXI - 120 x 100 cm - "1648. Funerary Honours to Mons. Vincenzo Napoli".

XXXII - 120 x 100 cm - 1661. Arrival at the cathedral of relics of Santa Febronia.

XXXII - 120 x 100 cm - "1661. Arrival at the cathedral of relics of Santa Febronia".

XXXIII - 80 x 140 cm - 1719. Landing of 18,000 Austrian soldiers on the beach of Mongiove.

XXXIII - 80 x 140 cm - "1719. Landing of 18,000 Austrian soldiers on the beach of Mongiove".

XXXIV - 100 x 100 cm - 1810. King Ferdinand II of Bourbon visiting Patti, guest of the bishop Moncada.

XXXIV - 100 x 100 cm - "1810. King Ferdinand II of Bourbon visiting Patti, guest of the bishop Moncada".

XXXV - 120 x 100 cm - Antonio Ceraolo waves the tricolor on the church of Maria del Tindari.

XXXV - 120 x 100 cm - "Antonio Ceraolo waves the tricolor on the church of Maria del Tindari"

XXXVI - 100 x 100 cm - September 1859. F. Crispi with patriots pattesi secretly gathered in contrada vignagrande.

XXXVI - 100 x 100 cm - "September 1859. F. Crispi with patriots pattesi secretly gathered in contrada vignagrande".

XXXVII - 120 x 100 cm - 18 July 1860. G. Garibaldi arrives on the coast of Patti Marina.

XXXVII - 120 x 100 cm - "18 July 1860. G. Garibaldi arrives on the coast of Patti Marina".

XXXVIII - 100 x 100 cm - 1860. G. Garibaldi at the club of Patti.

XXXVIII - 100 x 100 cm - "1860. G. Garibaldi at the club of Patti".

XXXIX - 120 x 100 cm - August 20, 1860. Execution of 12 citizens of Alcaraz church s.antonio abbot of Patti.

XXXIX - 120 x 100 cm - "August 20, 1860. Execution of 12 citizens of Alcaraz church s.antonio abbot of Patti".

XL - 100 x 100 cm - 1860. Bishop Pietro Celesia refuses to take the oath to the new government represented by the lieutenant montezemolo.

XL - 100 x 100 cm - "1860. Bishop Pietro Celesia refuses to take the oath to the new government represented by the lieutenant montezemolo."

Any commissions from public or private organisations can be requested and agreed upon directly with the artist. 

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